We co-wrote a book!
Mariana Pittaluga from the UDGBA (Unión de Diseñadores Gráficos de Buenos Aires), invited us to be co-authors of a book titled “Métele más Diversidad” (Add more diversity). You can read our chapter: “El diseño incluyente es la única forma de hacer diseño” (Inclusive Design, the only way to design) and other amazing topics about inclusive design.
Design Matters 2023, Mexico City edition
We were speakers at the DM23 sharing one of our favorite inclusive design projects.
Guide to design accessible Products and Services for the 2030 Agenda
We joined the work groups for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and wrote a series of guidelines to implement accessible products and services.
IBERO TV, Cátedra, “Diseño Incluyente” (Inclusive Design)
As part of the faculty in Ibero University, Alejandra shares insights about Inclusive Design and its impact nowadays.
Diseñadores del Futuro, BBVA, 3rd edition
Úrsula lead an interesting panel titled “Social and Inclusive Design, Beyond UX”.
Diseño para todos: Inclusión & Accesibilidad
For BBVA Peru, Regina talks about the basic principles of inclusive design.
Cámara de Diputados: Foro de Discapacidad
In the 2nd edition of “Disability without barriers” forum, Regina explains how we can implement and enforce laws to build accesible environments.
Programa 80 millones Once TV
Úrsula and Regina discuss the challenges of understanding and adopting inclusion in Mexico.
Foro Éntrale 2022
Regina talks with Marbella about her challenges as a deaf person in everyday life.